Pope Benedict XVI retired on Feb 11 2013, the anniversary of the signing of that Lateran Treaty or "Independence Day" like Papists call it, or what Adventists call the "healing of the head wound" of the beast, then lightning struck St Peters Basilica twice as a sign to prove that this sign was from God and fulfills His Holy Prophecy.
Now the eighth king has arrived and the seventh king is still alive which has NEVER happened to an uncontested pope. God used the unique elements of these papal reigns to draw attention to these issues for a reason. He uses the peculiar circumstances that have NEVER happened before so we would not be confused on seeing the fulfillment so we can share it with others and they can see.
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Pope Francis is the Eighth Papal King since the healing of the head wound. |
The main issue the Holy Spirit spotlighted the day Francis was elected was that he is a Jesuit; the first one EVER to be elected by the Cardinal College (peculiar so we can see how it fulfills prophecy). God gave us prophecies that were written in riddles about peculiar future events so that when they would be fulfilled the prophetic fulfillment could not be denied.
The Jesuits where the persecuting power of the Papacy during the dark ages and they were responsible for putting millions of people to death for not yielding their bibles or not conforming to the teaching of the papal see. The Jesuits were kicked out of Rome in 1773 because the world hated them for what they did in the Dark Ages. But the world now seems to have "protestant amnesia" as Pastor Doug Batchelor puts it, and they forget the terrible things done in the name of the Pope by the Jesuits. Now that the pope is a Jesuit, an order completely dedicated to overthrowing the protestant faith, there will no doubt be a more concerted effort along those lines, but if we put all the elements together GOD gives us undeniable proof of what He showed me in visions and dreams; namely that Pope Francis IS the eighth king of Revelation 17 who will lead the world to perdition. He is the "stately fair person whom the whole world looks up to in reverence" who will lead the world to "perdition", just as the eighth King of Rev 17 leads the world to "perdition".
The King James Version in “Matthew 24:28, reads, “For wheresoever the carcass is, there will the eagles be gathered together.” The word here used for 'carcass' never has any other meaning but that of a human 'corpse' or lifeless human body in scripture. In roughly half of the bible translations this word is translated “corpse” not carcass. The Jesuits have a special pledge in their loyalty to the pope prescribed in their motto "perinde ac cadaver", Latin for "disciplined like a CORPSE", to be carried by the will of the pope. Surely if these men knew their bibles they would have stayed as far away from this sentiment as they could; for this prophecy condemns the one who fulfills it like Judas fulfilled prophecy against Christ. The Papacy now has a corpse at it's head. Notice also that Jesus didn't say "where the corpses are", but "where the corpse is", the singular use of the word. There is only one corpse mentioned and this means the definitive singular "man of sin". So now a Jesuit priest has become the eighth Papal king since the healing of the HEAD wound in 1929 in fulfillment of this prophecy.
"Paul warned the church not to look for the coming of Christ in his day. Not till after the great apostasy and the long reign of the “man of sin” can we look for the advent of our Lord. See 2 Thessalonians 2:3. The “man of sin”—also “the mystery of iniquity,” “the son of perdition,” and “that wicked,”—represents the papacy," {HF 222.1}In Matthew 24:28 when it says “For wheresoever the corpse is, there will the EAGLES be gathered together” the 'eagles' represent the armies of Rome.
"By the Spirit of Inspiration, looking far down the ages, Moses pictured the terrible scenes of Israel’s final overthrow as a nation, and the destruction of Jerusalem by the armies of Rome: “The Lord shall bring a nation against thee from far, from the end of the earth, as swift as the EAGLE flieth; a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand; a nation of fierce countenance, which shall not regard the person of the old, nor show favor to the young. {Deut 28:49}” {Patriarchs and Prophets 467.1}This prophecy was fulfilled when the ROMAN armies destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD. So according to this prophecy from Moses the Roman armies are the EAGLE that would destroy Jerusalem.
And again inspiration refers to Rome in the same way in the Great Controversy on page 41; ‘God’s workmen were slain, but His work went steadily forward. The gospel continued to spread and the number of its adherents to increase. It penetrated into regions that were inaccessible even to the EAGLES (armies) of Rome.’
And let the reader remember history tells of many nations who fought for Rome. So there were many eagles then and will be again in the end.
But it gets better... The prophecy Jesus related in Matthew 24 is not just speaking about the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD, but has a dual application to the last days. Here is what Mrs White was inspired about the text…
(In Matthew 24) "Christ foretold the destruction of Jerusalem, as well as of the temple. His words were spoken in the hearing of a large number of people; but when He was again alone, Peter, James, John, and Andrew came to Him, saying, “Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of Thy coming, and of the end of the world?” Jesus did not answer His disciples by taking up separately the destruction of Jerusalem, and the last great day of His coming. The city of Jerusalem represented the world, and the utterances regarding its destruction are to be connected with the world’s more terrible destruction. In speaking of Jerusalem, His prophetic words reached beyond that event to the conflagration that will take place in that day when the Lord shall rise “out of His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity.” The description of the two events is mingled, and the entire subject is a warning to those who shall live in the last scenes of earth’s history....The events that took place at the overthrow of Jerusalem will be repeated." {ST February 20, 1901}So in Patriarchs and Prophets, when quoting Moses, saying that prophecy of the eagle was fulfilled by ROME in the destruction of Jerusalem, and then Signs of the Times says the prophecy of Matthew, which deals with the destruction of Jerusalem, is also talking about the end of the world, it should then be obvious that the term “Eagle” in Matthew 24 should have the same application as when used by Moses in Deuteronomy.
When all of the elements of this verse are taken into consideration, I am firmly convicted that Jesus is definitely prophesying that the armies of Rome will gather when the Pope is a Jesuit. And if anyone thinks it strange He, Jesus, our greatest ally would do such a thing, then explain why He said "call no man FATHER but your Father in heaven" when the word "Pope" actually means "Holy Father". I don't think Jesus liked what He saw coming for us and warned us in plain language to watch out for the pope who calls himself a corpse.
It should also be obvious that this text is also talking about America because our nation sets up the IMAGE to the beast.
"The time is not far distant when, like the early disciples, we shall be forced to seek a refuge in desolate and solitary places. As the siege of Jerusalem by the Roman armies was the signal for flight to the Judean Christians, so the assumption of power on the part of our nation, (America) in the decree enforcing the papal sabbath, will be a warning to us. It will then be time to leave the large cities, preparatory to leaving the smaller ones for retired homes in secluded places among the mountains." -Testimonies for the Church 5:464, 465 (1885)Rome had as it's ensign the emblem of the eagle, and so too does America. Our whole form of government was ordered by studies by our forefathers in the history of Rome. They were enamored by ancient empires but only wanted one form of government, a government of the people by the people. But as the rise and fall of Rome shows things change when persecution against God's people is involved.
The destruction of Jerusalem came in 70 AD, when the fallen church of Israel was destroyed by the "Eagle" Rome. The Christian church was almost destroyed by the armies or "eagles" of Rome in the Dark Ages. But the main objective of the prophecy from Jesus is end time. Rome used the image of the eagle as their insignia just as the United States does today. Jesus was warning us in prophetic veiled language that the Fallen church of Catholicism, lead by the Jesuits, would be in power at the end of time guiding the United States into following it's doctrines and making an image to the beast, using our power as their army to enforce their dogmas.
'Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.' Matthew 24:40-41
Isn't it interesting that the common interpretation of these verses of Matthew 24 have been interpreted to mean that one will be taken in the rapture and the others will be left to endure the time of trouble? That interpretation was inspired by Jesuit Francisco Ribera, a Catholic apologist who developed that interpretation to diffuse the animosity against the Papacy from the protestant reformers interpretation of prophecy.
Here is a more descriptive interpretation of the words 'taken' and 'left'.
"The word, taken, has rather the sense of being taken as a captive, apprehended, seized; while the word, left, instead of signifying, left to perish, has the sense of being permitted to go away, delivered or rescued from danger. The second definition given by Liddell and Scott, to the first word, paralambano, is, “To take in pledge, to take by force or treachery, seize, get possession of.” The other word, aphiemi, is defined under the second head, by the same authors, as follows: “To let go, loose, set free.” In accordance with these definitions, some translations read, “One shall be seized, and the other escape.” The Cottage Bible comments thus: “one shall be taken, that is, as a captive.” Here is a separation between the righteous and the wicked. The one is seized, and doomed to destruction, the other escapes. And the disciples ask, “Where, Lord?” where shall this seizure and destruction take place? And he answers, “Wheresoever the body is, thither will the eagles be gathered together.” The parallel passage in Matthew 24:28, reads, “For wheresoever the carcass is, there will the eagles be gathered together.” (Uriah Smith from the book "The Visions of Ellen White")
When the mark of the beast will be enforced by the United States, two will be in the field and one would be seized, or taken to prison for not accepting the mark of the beast, and the other would be left, or set free after accepting it. This prophecy is a warning to flee as soon as the mark is decreed and not to turn back like Lot's wife did. Do not try to save your belongings or any of your effects. If these days should not be cut short no flesh would be saved during the 'great tribulation' in the end.
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